
Make a Wide Brim Fedora Using a Jacket

Make a Wide Brim Fedora Using a Jacket

Use your old jacket and transform it into a funky new fedora following the steps below. Add a leather belt piece to make it resemble this 1970’s Gucci fedora shown in the photo.


1 jacket
1/2 yd (91.5cm) black leather or add a ready-to-go belt (like the one in the photo), shortened to fit around the hat
Glue gun
Hand-sewing needle

Step 1: Use the back of the jacket to cut out a stand for the hat as well as the top piece and 2 brim pieces. Measure the size of your head and cut pieces accordingly, ensuring to leave 1/4” (6mm) ease on the stand piece.

Step 2: Finish all pieces by serging the raw edges.

Step 3: Sew the top of the hat to the stand piece using a 1/4” (6mm) seam allowance.

Step 4: Sew the brim pieces together using a 1/2” (1.3cm) seam allowance.

Step 5: Attach the stand to the outer layer of the brim by placing right sides together and sewing at 1/2” (1.3cm) seam allowance. Then trim all seam allowances to 1/4” (6mm).

Step 6: Using a hand-sewing needle and thread, slipstitch to enclose the inner layer of the brim and attach it to the stand.

Step 7: Pin leather belt in place. Use the glue gun to secure it in a few spots around the edges. Then slipstitch around the belt.

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