
  • Embroidery Machine Guide

    Those fancy designs you have planned in your head can be brought to life when you buy one of the best embroidery machines. With a huge amount of features and accessories, the better products are easy to use but can…

  • Heavy Duty Sewing Machine Guide

    Although we all like to assume our sewing machine of choice is well built, this isn’t always the case, For it to call itself heavy-duty, a sewing machine needs to tick certain boxes. Yes, the frame needs to be heavy…

  • Quilting Sewing Machine Guide

    Anyone who likes to take on larger sewing projects will know, a reliable quilting sewing machine is a difficult purchase. This is because a lot of reputable products offer similar things, but there are some subtle differences. When you get…

  • Sergers Guide

    They’re not like regular sewing machines, and offer the user a range of decorative stitches and finishes, adding a level of flair to your garments and designs. There are many reasons why the best serger machines enjoy a reputation for…

  • Embroidery Machine For Home Business Guide

    This is an important investment whether you are just starting out in your plans for a home business, turning a hobby into something that can make money, or you are a fully-fledged embroiderer looking for an upgrade. An embroidery machine…

  • Handheld Sewing Machine Guide

    When you have a t-shirt with a hole to the side, the temptation can be to take it to a friend who has a heavy-duty machine or to just throw it away. Neither of these seems like a convenient solution…

  • Sewing and Embroidery Machine Guide

    A lot of people have owned a machine for sewing but modern demands have shown that when buying a new one, the demand for a sewing and embroidery machine that can do it all has increased. Part of this is…

  • Commercial Embroidery Machine Guide

    With any business, the tools you use will go a long way towards the sort of quality you put out. This is never truer than in the embroidery business. This is why so many people agonize over upgrading and purchasing…

  • Embroidery Machine For Hats Buyers Guide

    A lot of people want to be able to customize hats but not many have the machine that allows them to do so. It isn’t a task that a lot of machines are up to and there are certain things…

  • Sewing Machines For Free Motion Quilting Guide

    If you do not have the right machine for a quality project, you are going to find it hard work sewing two fabrics together. This is why it is important to find the nest sewing machine for free-motion quilting, as…

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